The study of physics explores how the universe works. There have been many great contributors to physics including, Einstein, Newton, Hawking, Hubble, Galileo, and Maxwell among countless others. In the second half of the twentieth century string theory was born. Current theoretical physicist and Henry Semat Professor of theoretical physics at the graduate center of the City University of NewYork Michio Kaku pioneered string theory. Dr. Kaku has taken his expert knowledge in the world of Physics and has published several books with many of them topping out as National Bestsellers. These books include Beyond Einstein, Parallel Worlds, and Physics of the Impossible. Along with his bestselling books, Professor Kaku has also appeared on many television shows including the History Channel’sThe Universe and the ScienceChannel’s Sci-Fi Science: Physics of theImpossible. One of the many different disciplines in physics lies Theoretical Physics. This field incorporates far out ideas, from time travel to force fields. In Dr. Kaku’s book Physics of the Impossible, he explores many of the ideas that are presently considered sci-fi, but could one day become fact. Dr Kaku’s intriguing book, Physics of the Impossible, brings alive Theoretical Physics to the everyday reader. The book covers interesting topics that will remind even the smallest fan of science fiction of the classic science fiction of the Star Wars Trilogy, original Star Trek or even newer shows, like the shelved Stargate series and Battlestar Galactica. Physics of the Impossible is a book every person will enjoy, while making your mind think of the endless possibilities of the impossible.