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Ancient Greek tragedy recreated throughout the modern world
has captured audiences repeatedly. Aeschylus, Sophocles, and Euripides works
survived intact to be studied by a multitude of scholars over the years. Sophocles was
one of the great Ancient Greek Tragedians who has been examined by scholars.
Simon Goldhill’s Sophocles and the Language of Tragedy
does not just add to the abundance of monographs written about Sophocles, it
stands in the upper echelon of scholarly work on tragedy by one of the foremost
Goldhill is part of the Classics department at Cambridge University, where he is the Director
of Studies in Classics at Kings College.
Dr. Goldhill’s work is part of Oxford
University Press’ Onassis
Series in Hellenic Culture. The Onassis
Foundation sponsors the Onassis Series in Hellenic Culture by Oxford
University Press. The Onassis Foundation helps spread knowledge through the
United States and Canada about Hellenic culture.